HelLA is the brainchild of LA native, Rory uphold. Before she could legally rent a car, Rory had a dermatologist suggest “Preventative Botox”. She’s been “Fifteen Minutes Late” her whole life. And based on the amount of parking tickets she’s paid off, Rory’s pretty sure she owns a piece of sunset blvd. Regardless, she wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. This is her love/hate letter to the city she calls home. #OnlyinHelLA
Cast & Crew
Rory Uphold was born and raised in LA. She’s that girl. She started her career as a pop singer and songwriter, where she was lucky enough to work/perform with artists like E-40, Ray Jay, and Colby O’Donis. Ironically, karaoke super stresses her out. Last year, she wrote, directed, and starred in a short film, called Safety, that won a handful of awards at festivals across the United States. Like most Angelenos, she hates slow drivers in the left hand lane and loves the Lakers. She’s allergic to assholes, and obsessed with Benson, her rescue puppy. You can follow her at @icouldbeblonder for pics & @roryuphold for tweets.

Fleur Saville
A NZ Actress – Comedian – Producer living in Los Angeles. Why did she move here? What an LA question. For the sunshine people, the sunshine.
Fleur cares deeply about loving life. She is a part time sailor and trys to hold all her business meetings on a yacht because Hollywood can just takes itself far too seriously. And because you can only get away with doing ridiculous things like that ONLY IN HELLA.
With 800 hours of TV to her name, Fleur is fantatsic at not bumping into furniture in a film set.
Fleur is all about making people laugh.
Contact – Peter Young
Sovereign Talent Group

Telly Kousakis
Actor: Parking in LA…. #Fail
Telly Kousakis was raised in Vancouver, Canada, but don’t be fooled, he’s a bona fide third generation Los Angeles native. He is a born entertainer and bon vivant. Dreams include: becoming a cultural attache to a sexy foreign diplomat, owning multiple jungle cats and buying a second home first. He loves to cook, eat, throw parties, attend parties and, like a true Angeleno, drive. He is ecstatic to be making a return to acting after a nearly eight year intermission.

Heather Marks
Actor: Shopping in LA..
Heather Marks is a Canadian model/actress. She currently lives in New York with her English Bulldog, Otis. He’s kind of a big deal. When he’s not busy posing for magazine covers, you can find them at the dog park.

Jackie Singer
Actor: Shopping in LA..
Jackie Singer is a comedian and writer who trained at the Groundlings before becoming a joke-writer at MTV, doing a pilot at TBS, and a one woman show about depressing subjects. When she’s not doing stand-up or revising her obituary, she enjoys never interacting with anyone ever.

Jessica Blackwell
Jessica Blackwell is currently a Producer at Viacom Media Networks, producing video content for the likes of the Workaholics and Key and Peele. Her produced content has gathered over 1.5 million views on YouTube and God knows how many on Dailymotion. She holds her degree in between a stack of unproduced screenplays and Victoria’s Secret catalogs. Facebook declares her, “On here way too much. Sometimes over 23 hours a day!” If you can’t find her on there, you can find her pretty often on The Black List but only like, once a month on Twitter.

Joey Ally
Joey Ally spends her days typing big words onto small screens in the hopes of getting real people to say them into lenses while she bosses them around on where to stand and how to behave. When she’s not helping her friends make “stuff”, you can find her assisting some of hollywood’s top female filmmakers. She’s currently completing her first short film, and continuing her attempt at learning guitar in spite of the very real setback of comically small hands.

Daved Wilkins
Actor: Gluten-Free Homeless
Hey, I’m Daved. I’m an actor. I think I can be pretty cool to hang out with. My wife agrees. Sometimes. Since I was a kid I have always enjoyed making people laugh so if I can do that for the rest of my life I’ll be a happy guy. My grandma was a silent film actress as a kid and always told me this was the business for me. My wife agrees. Sometimes. It’s hard to say how long I’ve been acting. You could make the argument that it started at birth since I will turn any willing person in to an audience and any place in to a stage. It can be exhausting for my wife. Sometimes. The first time I got paid to be an actor was doing theatre in Austin, TX back in 1997. Then a bunch of crazy life happened and it was suddenly 2008 and I was living in Tucson, AZ doing boring stuff for a bank that was doing it’s part to destroy the world so I quit my job and walked in to a melodrama musical dinner theatre and sang a song and they said you’re hired. I was making 1/10 of the money I had been but I was happier than I had been in a decade so I was a rich man. After that the wife and I got a dog named George and drove up to Phoenix and got an agent named Terri and started doing local commercials. That is about when Hollywood came calling. Or maybe I just eavesdropped on someone else’s phone call but either way we packed up George and our Tempurpedic™ bed and shoved it all in to a small place in the city of studios. That was in 2010 and we are still here. Soon my name will be a household name in more than just my household. That’s basically my story.

JP Robelot
Sound Mixer
JP Robelot has been making the funny happen for a several years in the audio world. He has worked with Funny Or Die on numerous projects and given high-fives to a bunch of celebrities. He also makes the musics. Check out: Radio Relay League. Lookout!

David De Lautour
Actor: Coffee shops in LA…
David is not American. He just plays one in helLA. He is, however, a coffee drinker so that part came easier and allowed him to not be as overwhelmed on set as he usually is. David recently created a web series, Salon-O-Phobia. Link below. (Please note, if there is no link below either David is slack or Rory is being a bitch)

Jason Goodell
Director of Photography
Jason Goodell is a LA based Director of Photography. He enjoys shooting funny projects with funny people and dramatic projects with dramatic people. When he grows up he’d like to see every country in the world, yes, even North Dakota. He has a dog named Winston Churchill, who likes to get attacked by coyotes because he thinks he’s larger than he actually is.

Emma Koenig
Actor: Pretentious Hollywood
Emma Koenig is an LA-based writer/actor/visual artist. She has been a humorist for The Times UK and is the creator of the blog, book, and soon-to-be guided journal: “Fuck! I’m in My Twenties.” She can often be found watching depressing documentaries and stress-buying scented candles.

Monica Padman
Actor: Coffee in LA…
Monica Padman is an actor/writer/improviser in Los Angeles. She spent most of her childhood filling Ziploc bags with water, drawing faces on them and calling them her babies. The human body is 60% water, so if you played with dolls YOU’RE THE WEIRD ONE. Her adult life is also devoted to doing dumb things for attention and approval. She twitters at @mpadman

Kit Williamson
Actor: Shopping “organic” in LA…
Kit Williamson is an actor, filmmaker and social media strategist. He can currently be seen playing Ed Gifford on the latest season of “Mad Men,” John Kagan in the Amazon Original pilot “Bosch” and Cereal Guy in the hit web rom com “Hipsterhood.” He wrote, directed and stars in the critically acclaimed web series “EastSiders” on Logo Online, which was recently acquired for distribution as a feature film by Wolfe Video. The series was named Best Web Drama by the LA Weekly and is currently nominated for a Satellite Award for original short-format programming. In 2013 he co-founded Go Team Entertainment, a digital strategy and PR firm focusing on new media, with his partner John Halbach. You can find out more about Go Team at www.goteamentertainment.com and more about Kit’s creative work at www.kitwilliamson.com. You should also follow him on twitter: @kitwilliamson

John Halbach
John Halbach: Shopping “organic” in LA…
John Halbach plays Ian on the award winning series EastSiders, which he also co-excecutive produces. Soon he’ll be joining the cast of Wallflowers on the new channel Stage 17. His favorite parts of living in Los Angeles are it’s proximity to Disneyland and the convenience and ease with which one can shop at Target.

Aimee Parker
Actor: I love West Hollywood
Aimee is best known for her inane musings on Twitter. And for a gaggle of TV appearances that earned her a fan letter from a gentleman in Illinois who seems to be following her career more closely than her own family. To the best of her knowledge and to Aimee’s dismay, he was not incarcerated (at the time). However, she has plenty of jailhouse letters from an ex-boyfriend she dated by accident 13 years ago, so that quota’s been filled. When she’s not acting, Aimee is balls deep in the world of personal assisting…an esteemed profession that allows her to apply [life-altering] skills for the benefit of people living her exact dream…while she fetches their almond milk. She’s currently on page 26 of her first screenplay. It’s probably a pile of self-indulgent garbage but its sights are set on becoming an award-winning, pseudo-personal manifesto. Wish her luck. Aimee may not be a household name quite yet, but a lot of her friends are. Which can bring with it a false sense of fleeting importance and subsequent shame…welcome to Hell-A. Follow her on Twitter (@aimparker) to see how she highlights her insecurities using self-deprecation and uninhibited lamentations of being chronically single. The length of this bio is directly proportional to her feelings of insignificance. Thanks to Rory Uphold for believing otherwise and for being a talented fucking visionary.